в7. (За? а7.) Въ начaлэ бЁ сл0во, и3 сл0во бЁ къ бGу*, и3 бGъ бЁ сл0во.
г^. За≈ а^. || Пe3рвое ќ3бw сло3во сотвори3хъ w5 вс~3хъ, џ, ўео3фiле…
4. Этотъ текстъ пи§санъ шрифтомъ — Fontics.
В нача§ле бы§ло Сло§во, и Сло§во бы§ло у Бо§га, и Сло§во бы§ло Бо§г. Оно§ бы§ло в нача§ле у Бо§га. Все чре§з Не§го на§чало бы§ть, и бе§з Него§ ничто§ не на§чало бы§ть, что на§чало бы§ть. В Не§м была§ жи§знь, и жи§знь была§ све§т челове§ков. И све§т во тьме§ све§тит, и тьма§ не объя§ла его§.
5. This te§xt is written in e§nglish with nu§mbers — 0123456789.
In the§ beginning wa§s the Wo§rd, and the Wo§rd wa§s with Go§d, a§nd the§ Wo§rd wa§s Go§d. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.